
Your Consent

You are invited to take part in the research project identified above which is being conducted by the research team at the School of Design at George Brown College (GBC).

The overall goal of this project is to obtain a fundamental understanding of accessible and universal learning to support the workforce with disabilities. The goal of this study is to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the job-seeker’s experience in recruitment, interview, and employment when faced with accessibility obstacles, as well as existing barriers and potential design interventions. You will contribute to the domain of learning management systems and job seeker platforms by providing usability feedback.

Who can participate in the research?

We are seeking people aged over 18 years of age with access to a web browser and internet connection to participate in this research.

What choice do I have?

Participation is entirely voluntary. If you decide not to participate, you may withdraw from the project at any time without bearing any consequences against you. You can simply send us an e-mail to let the research team regarding your withdrawal. In addition, you can choose to withdraw from the study during the session if you chose to do so. Regardless of your completion of participation, you will be qualified to receive the financial compensation.

What will I be asked to do?

You may engage researchers in two different ways per preference: 1) synchronous semi-structured interviews via online conference platforms, or 2) asynchronous, long-form surveys using a secure database. You may be asked to complete pre- and post-study questionnaires based on online forms.

You are invited to select a date that is appropriate to you, the test will be conducted remotely, and the researcher will connect with you via Zoom (or equivalent software) or SurveyMonkey (or equivalent software). Technical support will be provided prior and throughout the session.

You will be asked to 1) provide express consent using a secure online platform and 2) engage researchers in i) a 30-minute interview or ii) an asynchronous, long-form survey. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation message and be asked to leave the online platform.

Your data will be anonymized immediately upon concluding each data collection session by removing all identifiable information. Our researchers will maintain a secure database only internally accessible by project members. All information collected will be kept for five years at password protected shared drive and will be safely deleted afterwards.

What are the risks and benefits of participating?

There is minimal risk to participating in one of the sessions. You do not need to physically travel to a specific location but may be asked to engage in a 30-minute conversation with researchers using an online conference platform. There are no psychological, social, economic, or academic risks in participating in the research.

You can withdraw from the session at any point without any consequence of your involvement with George Brown College. You may receive an honorarium for your participation, in a form of a cash payment or an e-gift card of choice.

How will the information collected be used?

All collected data will be analyzed using qualitative research methods including text coding, thematic analysis, and inference. Researchers will maintain a secure database only internally accessible by project members. All personally identifiable information, other than your encrypted email address, will be immediately removed upon data collection.

What do I need to do to participate?

Please read this Information Letter and be sure you understand its contents before you consent to participate. If there is anything you do not understand, or you have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator.

How can I submit specific accommodation requests?

George Brown College welcomes and encourages project participation from persons with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for anyone intending to take part in the research project. Accommodation requests should be directed to Nastaran Dadashi ( All requests will be confidential.